Business and Economics: Recent submissions
Now showing items 41-60 of 102
Fighting Uncertainty with Uncertainty: A Baby Step
(Scientific Research, 2017-08)We can overcome uncertainty with uncertainty. Using randomness in our choices and in what we control, and hence in the decision making process, we could potentially offset the uncertainty inherent in the environment and ... -
Risks to Financial Stability and Monetary Policy: Rules or Discretion?
(Scientific Research, 2017-06)We evaluate monetary policy which is conducted in a way that addresses financial stability as an explicit monetary policy objective using a simple game theoretic model analysing the strategic interaction between a central ... -
The Impacts of Joint Energy and Output Prices Uncertainties in a Mean-Variance Framework
(Scientific Research, 2017-08)In this paper, we analyze the impacts of joint energy and output prices uncertainties on the inputs demands in a mean-variance framework. We find that the concepts of elasticities and variance vulnerability play important ... -
Behavioural Finance: A Re-Examination of Prospect Theory
(Scientific Research, 2017-08)Behavioural finance has received a major impetus over the last two decades. In this paper, we discuss the foundations which have helped in this paradigm shift from traditional Efficient Market Hypothesis (EMH) to the ... -
Theoretical Foundations of Africa’s Economic Transformation and Growth
(Scientific Research, 2017-08)This paper provides the theoretical underpinnings of growth models to explain structural economic transformation in Africa. The paper suggests that endogenous growth model is the key for understanding long-run growth ... -
A Framework for Determining the Impact of Value Chain Participation on Smallholder Farm Efficiency
(Scientific Research, 2017-04)We analyze the efficiency of wheat farmers toward the ever-increasing demand for wheat in Tanzania. Translog production and cost functions were utilized in the stochastic frontier analysis to examine technical, allocative, ... -
Effect of Financial Development on the Transmission of Monetary Policy
(Scientific Research, 2017-06)This paper looks at the effect of financial development on output and bank liquidity by doing a cross-country analysis of 119 countries across 18 years from 1997-2014. We develop three hypotheses by combining multiple ... -
Kautilya on Foresight, Oversight, Regulations, Ethics and Systemic Risk
(Scientific Research, 2017-04)In the wake of the recent Great recession of 2008-9, prudential supervision and “too-big-to-fail” have become the focal topics of discussion and policy. Western countries have added prudential supervision to complement ... -
The Interaction between Public Sector Wage, Inflation and Exchange Rate Volatility in Ghana
(Scientific Research, 2017-03)Continuous depreciation of the cedi has been in the orbit of concern of policy makers for time immemorial. This is because, in spite of many policy actions to restore the continuous depreciation of the cedi amidst wage ... -
Measuring the Technical Efficiency for the Shipping Banks—An Approach Using Data Envelopment Analysis
(Scientific Research, 2017-04)The international transportation industry involves various sectors, shipping being one with particular characteristics which differentiates it from others especially as relevant capital risk is concerned. Within this ... -
Piketty’s Inequality between the Profit and Growth Rates and Its Implications for the Reproduction of Economic Elites
(Scientific Research, 2016-12)This paper studies, within a growth model, some effects of the inequality between the profit and growth rates on the reproduction of economic elites. To this end, it considers as functions of the capital/income ratio the ... -
Can Reputation Ensure Efficiency in the Structured Finance Market?
(Scientific Research, 2017-01)Structured finance products are opaque and their ratings are unverifiable. Therefore, a credit rating agency (CRA) cannot credibly fully reveal its information about the quality of a rated structured finance project. Can ... -
On Volatility Transmission from Crude Oil to Agricultural Commodities
(Scientific Research, 2017-02)The paper examines volatility transmission from crude oil market to agricultural commodities like wheat, corn, cotton and soybeans. We find that the volatility transmission from crude oil to agricultural commodities ... -
Savings-Growth Nexus in Ghana: Cointegration and Causal Relationship Analyses
(Scientific Research, 2017-02)The wide range of controversies surrounding the direction of causality between savings and economic growth necessitated this study. The study was intended to investigate the relationship between gross domestic savings ... -
Convergence of the Unmanned Aerial Industry
(Scientific Research, 2017-02)Industry convergence—the merger of previously unrelated industries—is a model that has had a strong influence on various industries and received substantial attention among practitioners over the past years. Despite this, ... -
Implementability by a Canonical Indirect Mechanism of an Optimal Two-Dimensional Direct Mechanism
(Scientific Research, 2017-02)The present paper investigates the multi-dimensional mechanism design in which buyers have taste and budget as their private information. The paper shows an easy proof of a two-dimensional optimal direct mechanism by ... -
Public Expenditures, Private Investment and Economic Growth in Togo
(Scientific Research, 2017-02)This paper assesses firstly the impact of the level and the composition of public expenditures on growth and secondly the link between public investment and private investment in Togo. For this purpose, a neoclassical ... -
Education Marketing Research
(Scientific Research, 2016-10)“Education marketing” is a new concept used in high frequency interiorly in recent years, but it has significantly different interpretations in the educational circles and business circles, extremely easy to cause the ... -
Non-Linear Effect of Remittances on Banking Sector Development: Panel Evidence from Developing Countries
(Scientific Research, 2016-10)This paper examines the impact of remittances on financial sector development in a panel of 19 developing countries. Contrary to previous studies that focus on mean effects, it uses quantile regression methodology to ... -
A Review of Green Consumer Behavior Based on the Social Perspective
(Scientific Research, 2016-10)The significance of the research on green consumption behavior is not only to reveal the laws of green consumption behavior, but also to provide useful suggestions for the promotion of green consumption behavior. Therefore, ...